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September 28, 2007


Howard Dresner

It's fascinating to read about studies like this one. However, they often leave me wanting more.

I agree that management lacks needed information and often doesn't have essential facts to frame decisions. However, this analysis doesn't tell the entire story.

If 80% of executives believe that data is more important than intuition then why is decision-making mostly an intuition-based activity? How much more important is data vs. intuition to them? Are the 99% outraged that they don't have needed information? Or, is it merely an inconvenience.

On the surface it would suggest buying more tools and building more data warehouses is the right response. But is that really what's standing in the way of more fact-based decision-making?

That's the trouble with surveys. We often don't get the complete story. We can't ask those important follow-up questions which will tell us "why", and not simply "what". No doubt this will require the chartering of yet another study.


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